Today in North Dakota History

March 10, 1880

The railroad reached Grand Forks, the first train being a combination of a work and immigrant train.

March 12, 1802

The first non-Indian child in what was to become North Dakota, a girl, was born to Pierre Bonza and his wife. They were black, employed at Alexander Henry Jr.'s trading post in Pembina.

March 12, 1945

Governor Fred Aandahl appoints State Senator Milton R. Young to fill the U.S. Senate seat that was open following the death of Senator John Moses nine days earlier.

March 15, 1941

Ninety persons killed by Red River Valley blizzard in most disastrous storm in area's history.

March 16, 1920

Recall Amendment ratified, allowing citizens to petition for an election to have elected state officials recalled from office.

March 16, 1920

Hiram Johnson of California and William Jennings Bryan won Republican and Democratic presidential preference primaries, respectively.

March 17, 1862

First territorial assembly convened at Yankton.

March 19, 1907

Legislature adopted primary election law to provide that "political parties shall make nominations of candidates for all public offices by popular vote."

March 19, 1912

First presidential preference primary held in North Dakota with Senator LaFellette getting 34,123 votes, Theodore Roosevelt, 23,669, and William Howard Taft, 1,876.

March 20, 1916

William Jayne, first governor of Dakota Territory, died in Springfield, Illinois.

March 26, 1955

100 Native Americans on Fort Berthold Reservation receive $4,126,000 as their share of oil lease bonuses.

March 27, 1942

U.S. Senate voted 52-30 to seat William Langer "without prejudice" despite 13-3 report by its committee on Elections and Privileges that he should be denied seat because of charges of moral turpitude filed against him at beginning of his term.

April 1, 1875

The "Manitoba," queen of Red River steamboats, set a record of 45 hours from Moorhead to Winnipeg on her maiden voyage.

April 1, 1925

Sale of cigarettes became legal in North Dakota under tax legislation adopted by 1925 Legislature.

April 3, 1953

American Oil Co. holds groundbreaking ceremony at site of Mandan Refinery, two years after discovery of oil in state, giving a major boost to industry's growth.

April 4, 1950

Seven years after first oil discovery in North Dakota, Amerada Petroleum also brought in the state's 100th producing well.

April 4, 1951

Oil discovered on Clarence Everson farm near Tioga, making North Dakota the 27th in the U.S. with commercial production. This is N.D.'s first oil well.

April 7, 1805

After spending the winter at Fort Mandan, on the banks of the Missouri near present-day Washburn, the Lewis and Clark party of exploration resumed its journey to the West.

April 8, 1953

Bones of Sitting Bull spirited from original grave at Fort Yates and reburied under tons of cement near Mobridge, South Dakota.

April 11, 1877

The first Bismarck-Deadwood stagecoach left Bismarck for the gold boom town in the Black Hills. One-way fare: $23.

April 16, 1948

A Red River flood crested at 41.6 feet at Grand Forks.

April 17, 1934

Indictment returned by grand jury at Fargo, charging Governor William Langer with violating law prohibiting one federal employee from soliciting campaign funds from another.

April 18, 1950

Water went over 40-foot level at Grand Forks, remaining there until April 29 in the first of two serious floods that year.

April 19, 1852

The Swiss artist, Rudolph Kurz, began his homeward trip after nearly a year on the Upper Missouri portraying Indians, animals, traders and various fur trade articles. Kurz, who kept a detailed journal, spent most of his time at Fort Union, near the confluence of the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers.

April 25, 1823

General Stephen H. Long's exploration authorized to establish Canadian boundary.

April 26, 1805

Captain Meriwether Lewis scouted locality at junction of Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers and suggested it was "a butifull commanding situation for a fort."

April 30, 1942

First permit issued by N.D. Geological Survey for the Carter Oil Co.-E. L. Semling Well in Oliver County.

April 30, 1803

Louisiana Purchase concluded with France, giving U.S. title to all of North Dakota except portions drained by Red and Mouse Rivers.

April 29, 1920

The contract was let for the State Mill and Elevator in Grand Forks, which was symptomatic of the victory won by the state's agrarian forces.

May 1, 1882

Hillsboro was organized as a municipality with John DeGroat as its first mayor.

May 1, 1885

State hospital for mentally ill opened at Jamestown as territorial institution.

May 2, 1898

Eight infantry companies of National Guard are accepted for service in the Spanish-American War.

May 7, 1917

Law enforcement officers, led by Attorney General William Langer, swooped down on Minot in biggest "raid" in history of state.

May 7, 1935

Federal Court of Appeals ordered new trial for former Governor William Langer because of "insufficiency of evidence" to sustain conviction of violating law prohibiting one federal employee from soliciting political contributions from another.

May 7, 1960

The fast segment of Interstate Highway 29 in North Dakota, Pembina to Drayton, was dedicated, It was the first stretch of interstate highway reaching an international border.

May 12, 1950

Red River flood crested at 45.79 feet.

May 14, 1889

Delegates elected to state constitutional convention -- a requisite for statehood later in the same year. The convention was called for July 4.

May 16, 1871

Joseph Rolette died at Pembina.

May 17, 1801

Alexander Henry selected spot for building fort at Pembina.

May 17, 1876

Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer left Fort Abraham Lincoln on the Little Big Horn campaign.

May 19, 1742

Sons of Pierre Verendrye, the explorer, visited Mandan Indians on their search for a western sea near high mountains.

May 20, 1862

Homestead Act became effective.

May 22, 1869

Sioux-Arikara battle fought at site of Washburn.

May 22, 1934

Trial of William Langer and others on charges of violating federal political contribution law began at Bismarck.

May 22, 1888

North Dakota Medical Association organized at Grand Forks with Dr. J.G. Millspaugh of Park River as its first president.

May 26, 1872

Troops withdrawn from old Fort Ransom.

May 28, 1963

Patrons of the Central Valley School District agreed on a site for a new high school, midway between Buxton and Reynolds after a long controversy.

May 27, 1872

At Jamestown, then known as the James River crossing, Fort Seward was established for the protection of railway construction crews. It existed as a fort for only five years.

May 31, 1963

Dedication of Twamley Hall, administration building at the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks; it replaced Old Main, first building at the university.

June 1, 1873

The first Americans arrived at Pembina to join the Canadian Army in a survey of the northern border. The survey, started in 1872 by the Canadians, continued until 1876.