10/30/08 (Thu)
Efforts to enhance the interpretation of North Dakota's history are receiving a roaring boost from North Dakota's Lions Clubs. On October 30, the delegates to the 2008 State Lions Convention passed a resolution to support the expansion of the North Dakota Heritage Center.
10/30/08 (Thu)
More than 300 people from across North Dakota joined the State Historical Society of North Dakota and its Foundation at eight luncheons across the North Dakota during October to see the unveiling of the proposed designs for the expansion of the North Dakota Heritage Center.
10/10/08 (Fri)
BISMARCK, ND - New architectural designs and a detailed model showing the second phase of expansion of the North Dakota Heritage Center are being unveiled at eight luncheons across the state this month. The luncheons, sponsored by the State Historical Society of North Dakota (SHSND) and its Foundation, will show detailed design concepts for the $52.4 million expansion project. The 2007 North Dakota Legislature appropriated $1.5 million for the expanded designs for the 97,000-square-foot-addition.
5/06/08 (Tue)
A Passport to North Dakota History, a traveler's guide to North Dakota historic sites, has been republished with a $25,000 donation from Tesoro. This document was designed with dozens of partners and a development grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) U.S. Forest Service.